This is my first foray into memory/remembrance wire. I think I like it. There is a bit of learning curve, or there was for me. Figuring out sizing and what beads will fit...little things like that. But once I thought it over I was able to get it going. I wasn't sure if I should keep this one as my first hidden experiment or not. I ended up deciding to take it to work for an some constructive criticism. The consensus was to make more...this one sold with in a half hour of me being there. :-)
Sistren Jules,
Someone at your job has great fashion sense! Make more for sure!
Bless Up,
Lady Roots
thank you so much! I am definitely working on some more...all different colors. :-) I will be sure to pass on your kind words to Charlotte...she does have great fashion sense.
Ooh your jewelry is very pretty!
Look online for suggesetions about a cheap homemade light box. It would really make your pieces pop, especially if you're trying to market them online.
I love this set...you know I have that wire, but have never tried it...hummm. Think perhaps I will!!
Memory wire is great! No clasp needed, just beads and you're done.
I would never have guessed that you'd never used the memory wire before. These are just gorgeous. Definitely make more.
That is exactly right...no findings. Just beads and go. I have lost your blog...where did it go? :-(
Thank you for your kind words and the suggestion for a light box. I am definitely going to check into it. I often lament my lack of photography skills.
I would definitely try it. I would see it at the store and think I will try that later...and later....and later. Then a friend lent me some books on beading so I could get some inspiration/new techniques and I finally gave in. You already having it is more than half the battle won. I bet you will like it as much as I do.
It really was a first try. I didn't even feel confident that I done it exactly right. :-) I have worked on some more and will let you know what reception they get.
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